This is modified information taken from The Baby Boomers Beauty Bible Book by Jan Benham
To maintain a youthful appearance and overall health, it is important to strike a balance when it comes to sun exposure. While staying indoors can help avoid aging signs, the sun provides essential benefits such as vitamin D synthesis and mood enhancement. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution and not overdo sun exposure, as it can harm the skin. Aim for at least 30 minutes of sun exposure daily, which allows the body to produce vitamin D3, necessary for calcium absorption and overall vitamin absorption. Recent research has indicated that many individuals have insufficient levels of this vital nutrient.
During the summer months, a sunbathing session in a bathing suit can stimulate the skin to produce approximately 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 within an hour. However, in fall, winter, and spring, individuals living in regions with limited sunlight, such as Canadians and Northern Europeans, should consider vitamin D supplements to maintain adequate levels.
Interestingly, studies have shown that taking vitamin D3 supplements of 2,000 IU with breakfast can provide some protection against sunburn. Additionally, consuming cooked tomatoes during breakfast has been found to offer natural sunscreen properties, further enhancing sun protection.
When planning to spend time in the sun, it is essential to choose a sunscreen that suits your skin type. While some people may be allergic to specific sunscreen components, they may find other formulations more compatible. Physical sunscreens, containing tiny particles of zinc or titanium, act as mirrors, reflecting the sun’s rays and are a preferred option for some individuals. In contrast, chemical sunscreens interact with the skin cells and absorb the sun’s rays. Concerns have been raised about certain chemical sunscreens potentially generating free radicals, increasing the risk of cancer, or causing hormone disruptions and sexual dysfunctions.
It’s worth noting that many chemical sunscreens do not block UVA radiation, which can contribute to the development of melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Additionally, consistent use of sunscreens blocking UVB radiation can potentially lead to vitamin D deficiency.
Chemical sunscreens may contain various ingredients with specific properties:
- Benzophenones, commonly found in inks, imaging, and coatings in the print industry, as well as perfumes and soaps, can absorb ultraviolet light. However, some benzophenones, like oxybenzone, are suspected carcinogens.
- Cinnamates may cause sensitivity in individuals with allergies to balsam of Peru, tolu balsam, coca leaves, cinnamic aldehyde, or cinnamic oil.
- Salicylates provide protection against only a portion of the UVB spectrum and must be used in high concentrations.
- Menthyl anthranilate, used in the production of dyes, pigments, and saccharin, has applications as corrosion inhibitors and mold inhibitors.
Avobenzone, another chemical sunscreen ingredient, degrades significantly when exposed to light, resulting in reduced protection over time. One hour of sunlight exposure in a temperate climate can break down most of the avobenzone compound.
Concerns have been raised about the potential harm caused by the chemicals present in many commercial sunscreens. Consequently, several countries, including Europe, Canada, and Australia, have banned most sunscreens except those containing avobenzone, titanium dioxide, and zinc oxide. In the United States, where many people travel for sun vacations, some sunscreens with potentially harmful ingredients may still be in use. It’s important to be aware that when chemical sunscreens are used daily, significant amounts of these chemicals can enter the bloodstream through the skin.
For a more natural and effective approach, consider using a full-spectrum sunblock containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, which act as physical barriers, effectively blocking UVA and UVB rays. These options are less likely to cause irritation and offer longer-lasting protection.
Regarding tanning, while some individuals may be dedicated tanning-bed users, it is important to exercise caution with self-tanners and their associated chemicals. Self-tanners work by increasing the pigment in the skin, but the potential risks associated with their chemical ingredients should be considered.
If you already have sun damage, there is hope for repair. The skin possesses an incredible ability to heal itself, and studies have shown significant improvements in sun-damaged skin within just two years of sun avoidance. To expedite the skin’s repair process, adopting an acid/alkaline balanced diet, and incorporating antioxidant and anti-inflammatory supplements such as vitamins C, E, and coenzyme Q-10 can be beneficial. Additionally, using lotions enriched with essential oils like carrot seed, frankincense, lemon/lime, or mandarin, along with potent antioxidants like vitamin E and vitamin C ester, is highly recommended.
Preparing for summer requires a comprehensive approach to skin care:
- Exfoliating the skin helps remove dead cells and promote a healthier, more radiant complexion.
- To address spider veins and brown spots, visiting an electrologist can provide effective treatments.
- Sun creams or sun oils are essential for preventing and reversing sun damage. Consider making your own sun cream (in the Baby Boomers beauty Bible Book) for a customizable and potentially more natural approach to sun protection.
- Unwanted hair can be removed using various methods such as waxing, shaving, or laser treatments.
- Lymphatic drainage massages can help eliminate stubborn fat deposits, contributing to a more toned appearance.
- Maintaining a regular exercise routine and a healthy diet are vital for overall well-being, including skin health.
Remember, prioritizing skin care and protection is essential for maintaining a youthful appearance and long-term health.